Read the appliance manufacturer’ s lighting instructions before attempting to light the pilot burner. The basic procedure for lighting a pilot is as follows:
1. Turn the room thermostat to its lowest setting.
2. Shut off the main gas supply to the main burner and the pilot burner.
3. Allow at least 5 minutes for the unburned gas to vent.
4. Light the pilot burner in accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s lighting instructions.
Venting the unburned gas (step 3) is very important. This is especially true for LP gas because it is heavier than air and will not vent upward naturally. Every precaution should be taken to ensure that the appliance is properly venting any unburned gas.
Appliance and pilot burner manufacturers provide very detailed lighting instructions for their equipment. Moreover, the development of various types of combination gas controls has simplified the lighting procedure and increased the safety factor.